Free In-Home Well
Water Testing
If you get your water supply from a private well, no one will monitor its water quality but you. Testing your well water regularly is essential, and Aqualite's water experts can help you identify potential water problems and how to solve them.
Water Quality Testing Has Never Been Easier
Aqualite's comprehensive in-home water quality testing gives you a complete understanding of your well water's health. We identify potential health risks, water problems, and possible water treatment solutions so your home will be protected by the cleanest, healthiest water ever.

Why Water Quality Matters
How Your Home's Water Quality Can Affect The Health And Well-Being Of Your Family.
Americans use water daily to bathe, wash clothes and dishes, prepare food and cook. With the average adult drinking 1 to 2 liters of water a day, there are numerous ways in which we can consume unsafe water. Discover why common water contaminants can interfere with you and your family's health and what steps you can take to improve your home's water quality.

Common Contaminants In Well
We worry about the safety and quality of the well water in our homes. Understanding the most common contaminants and water problems in wells can help keep you and your family safe. Testing your water supply will help you identify if you have any of these common contaminants in your well

Hard Water
Water with high amounts of calcium and magnesium. Signs of hard water may include mineral stains, spots on glasses and silverware from the dishwasher, and decreased water pressure.

This mineral found in rocks and soil gives water a brownish discoloration, resulting in unpleasant odors, bitter taste, and brown water stains.​
(PFOAs & PFOSs) consist of many chemicals
used in industrial and
consumer products for heat and fluid
resistance since the 1950s.

This contaminant is naturally occurring within the ground and an industrial byproduct of coal burning.
Arsenic can enter groundwater from existing deposits and pollution.

Inadequately treated water may contain coliform bacteria, legionella, giardia, and enteric viruses. The WQA recommends the use of UV water treatment systems.

Hydrogen Sulfide
When hydrogen sulfide is present, water
smells like rotten eggs or sulfur.
This colorless gas is extremely corrosive to metal pipes, turning them black and eventually causing leaks.

Heavy Metals
Heavy metals such as lead, copper, iron, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury may be present in well water supplies.
Consumption of heavy metals in drinking water are linked to many serious health concerns.

Acidic Water
Water with pH levels of less than 7.
For water, pH levels indicate how acidic it may be (alkaline levels). A primary concern of acidic water is high levels of heavy metals.